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Image by Hannah Busing


Five Pillars of Hope

Residents participate in life skills training, classes, devotionals, and independent studies as part of their program curriculum.



The women in our Take Heart program, each on a personal journey of healing from their experiences, can find a beautiful balance between working hard on their healing path and having fun. Their days are thoughtfully filled with therapeutic sessions and skill-building workshops. But equally important are the moments of pure joy found in creative activities like arts and crafts, parties, outdoor field trips, and adventures, which bring brightness and laughter into their lives. 


The Lord began a good work in me, and I became a new person in Christ. The Lord restored my family relationships, especially with my dad and stepmom. I received inner healing for my anger and abandonment issues toward my mother. I learned to love myself and that it's okay not to be okay all the time. Most importantly, I have a relationship with my heavenly Father that can never be broken, and I am forever changed because of Him.


The Hope Center has been a blessing in my life. Pastor Nolen's faith in God has fueled not only this program but also my desire for a relationship with Christ. The many people involved in our lives on various levels, be it direct support staff, volunteers, or even just the people who pray for us, inspire us to walk in God's image. I had finally found the right kind of God. The one true love of my life. I found my worth in Him.


I am so grateful for all the people who have been a part of The Hope Center who took and continue to take the time to help broken and lost people slowly but surely put their lives back together. It is such a blessing when someone is an active and real example of the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you, Hope Center volunteers and staff, for making a difference in the world and being part of the change you want to see.
4 Residential program for women Help for sex trafficking victims Sexual trauma recovery housing Long-term care for survivors





2 Residential program for women Help for sex trafficking victims Sexual trauma recovery housing Long-term care for survivors

TAKE HEART RESIDENTIAL is a residential program facilitated by Hope Center Indy. Learn more at

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© 2016-2023 | Hope Center Indy, Inc., a US 501 (c)(3) public charity.

3 Residential program for women Help for sex trafficking victims Sexual trauma recovery housing Long-term care for survivors
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